How Memrise works + reviews [2022]

Honest feedback from people who have experienced learning a language with Memrise.


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About Memrise

Memrise is a language learning platform that uses spaced repetition of flashcards to increase the rate of learning.

Let’s jump right into it and look over what users of this platform thinks about it!

In this article, there're three different opinion about the platform that we've colleted for you to better understand what Memrise is all about.

Famous YouTube Polyglot reacts to Memrise

Xiaoma is an extodinary language learner. He speaks Chinese and Spanish perfectly. He is someone who inspires learning foreign languages.

So, let's find out what he thinks about Memrise. The reaction to Memrise begins at 10:09.

You could learn a vocabulary from this but it doesn't seem to be like a great way to just learn a whole language.

As you see, he kind of enjoyed his first Chinese lesson on Memrise. The only concern he got was that Memrise gives you words without a context. But it was only the first lesson.

So, understand this how it is. Memrise is a good way to start learning a new language, but you need to do some extra work to be able to speak it and understand by hearing.

All Language Resourses Review

"A Useful Supplementary Tool But Not Sufficient By Itself" - Mateo

Test Prep Insight

This video breaks into the following pieces:

  • Introduction

  • Memrise Pro PLan

  • How the Memrise Language Programs Are Organized

  • What the Memrise Lessons Are Like

  • What I Like about Memrise

  • What I DON'T Like about Memrise

  • Verdict: Memrise App Review

So, we've collected a few opinions and now we're ready to make a conclusion.

Would you give Memrise a shot?


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